Yabba Dabba Do!
In early August, Team BARC rescued four puppy mill dogs in a memorial freedom ride honoring our late president and co-founder, Penny Emerson. These dogs have been through so much! They were under socialized and covered in fleas and dirt. After time for vetting, evaluation, and rest they are being released for adoption. (Fitting... it's also Penny's birthday week! :-)

Meet the Flintstones
Pebbles: 2 years old, Yorkie-poo
Wilma: 8 years old, Shih Tzu (14 lbs.)
Bambam: 4 year old, Shih Tzu
Fred: 2 year old, Maltese
Please also follow us on Facebook for photos and videos of the Flintstones.
Applications are accepted at any time, but please see our Adoption Page for release updates. All four dogs will require fenced in yards.